Why invest in Turkey?

Turkey has a crucial geographical location, a transcontinental country located between Asia and Europe along with a population consisting of mainly young people. Due to this, Turkey is an ideal place to invest in the country’s fast developing real estate industry.

Turkey is a large country covering almost 800,000.00 km² which means there is a lot of potential for development. For the past few years, one can observe that the Turkish real estate sector has grown tremendously contrary to Europe and many parts of the world due to economical struggles.

In Europe, Istanbul can be considered the most attractive city for real estate investment and globally Turkey in general is 3rd most profitable country for investment in real estate. One of the most important reason is also the legislative amendments that have been done to several laws such as the property title registry law, the mortgage law, residency and the redrafting of tax laws which all directly affect how overseas investors can benefit from buying and developing properties in Turkey.

Turkey became a popular choice for foreign investors interested in setting up businesses and purchasing real estate due to it’s dynamic demographic factors and good economic figures. The demand for homes and offices increased in the recent years as global companies and foreign investors demand more and more commercial and residential real estate.